How to create a multi-line purchase order with self-assessed and supplier charged tax

This purchase order includes a line item with a supplier-charged tax and a line item where the tax is self-assessed. The line items designated as U1 will get audited, those designated as I1, won't.

  1. Enter the T-Code /nME21N to create a Purchase Order.


  2. Enter the appropriate value in the Vendor field, for example, 3000.
  3. Enter the appropriate value in the Purch. Org. field, for example, 3000.
  4. Enter the appropriate value in the Company Code field, for example, 3000.
  5. Click Enter.
  6. Enter 001 in the Purch. Group field.

  7. Fill out all following fields with the appropriate values. Make sure that you enter K in the A (Acct Ass. Cat.) column, the other values in the fields are just examples.

  8. Click  to display the item details. 
  9. Go to Account Assignment and enter a Cost Center.

  10. For the first line item, go to the Invoice tab, and set the Tax Code field to U1.
  11. For the second line item, go to the Invoice tab, and set the Tax Code field to I1.

  12. For each line item, click Taxes.
  13. Click Save.
  14. Take note of the order number for your records.