How to configure the adapter.ini file

Using Windows

If your adapter is installed on a computer running Windows, use the Configuration GUI to update the parameters of the adapter.ini file.

  1. Go to the main folder of the adapter and execute the runConfigurationGUI file.

  2. Update the parameters by entering the information in each field of the following tabs: Common, Server, Destination, and Connection. Check the Configuration parameters section for the parameters and their descriptions. The parameters that have default values will automatically populate, but you can change them if needed.

  3. Click Save.
  4. If the adapter.ini file has been updated, you’ll see a confirmation message telling you to restart the adapter server to apply your changes.

  5. If you left a mandatory field blank, you'll get an error message listing the fields that need to be filled in. If this happens, fill in the highlighted fields, then click Save again.

Using Linux

If your adapter is installed on a computer running Linux, you'll have to update the parameters manually by opening the adapter.ini file and editing the parameters.

You could also use a computer running Windows to edit the parameters with the Configuration GUI and then copy the edited adapter.ini file over to the Linux computer. 


Configuration parameters

Update all the following parameters in the adapter.ini file:

Parameter Description Default Value to Substitute
<host> The host name of the application server on which the SAP Gateway runs; usually the IP address of the R/3 application server. “example” <your host name>
<trace> Specifies the level of tracing, from 0 (no tracing) to 3 (maximum tracing). 0 <your trace level> (0-3)
<pass_custom_fields> Determines whether or not to pass Custom Fields. false True to pass Custom Fields. False to not pass Custom Fields.
<stop_at_errors> Determines whether or not to stop at errors. false True to stop if there is an error with the Custom Fields. False to continue if there is an error with the Custom Fields.
<use_sap_namespace> Determines whether or not to use SAP objects with our namespace, /SOVOSD/. true True to consider fields in the Namespace. False to consider fields with name outside our Namespace (ZZ Fields).
<separated_fees> Determines whether or not the California Lumber Fees information will be sent separately from the taxes. This was built for a Legal Requirement to display the CA Lumber Fees in the Invoice, so should only be turned on if this specific scenario needs to be supported. false True to map the CA Lumber Fees information separately for scenarios it is being charged. False to receive the taxes as usual, without the CA Lumber Fees information separately.
<use_full_address> Determines whether or not to use the old SAP ECC Solution for Full Address implemented through an Enhancement Point. false True to continue to use Full Address solution with the two custom fields in the standard Calc RFC. False if the client does not have the two custom fields created in the standard Calc RFC and will not use the solution.
<service> The name of the SAP Gateway service. “example” <your service name>
<program> Number that is used to register the Adapter with the SAP Gateway. “example” <your program>
<connection_count> Determines the limit of concurrent connections this JCo application can handle. 5 1 or higher.
<unicode> Specifies whether the SAP system supports Unicode characters. false True if supported. False if not supported.
<system> ID to identify the SAP ERP system. “example” <your system>
<client> Number to identify the SAP self-contained unit that is being integrated with the Adapter. “example” <your client>
<user> SAP user the Adapter will use to communicate between the ERP and the JCoServer. “example” <your SAP user>
<password> SAP password the Adapter will use to communicate between the ERP and the JCoServer. See Encrypting Passwords for adapter.ini for more information regarding password encryption. “example” <your SAP user password>
<encrypted_destination_password> Determines if the destination password is encrypted or not. See Encrypting Passwords for adapter.ini for more detail. false True if there is an encrypted password. False if there is not encrypted password.
<language> Language used by the SAP system. EN <your language>
<loadBalancing> Specifies whether the SAP instance has load balanced servers. “example” True if load balanced. False if not load balanced.
<mshost> Host name of the message server. “example” <your mshost name>
<group> Name of the group of application servers. “example” <your group name>
<r3name> Name of the SAP system. “example” <your r3 name>
<jco_saprouter> Router to connect to the SAP ERP system when it is behind an SAP router. “example” <SAP Router>
<jco_pool_capacity> Maximum number of idle connections kept open by the destination. A value of 0 has the effect that there is no connection pooling. 1 0 or higher.
<jco_peak_limit> Maximum number of active connections that can be created for a destination simultaneously. A value of 0 allows an unlimited number of active connections, otherwise if the value is less than the value of <jco_pool_capacity>, it will be automatically increased to this value. The default setting is the value of <jco_pool_capacity>, or, in case of <jco_pool_capacity> not being specificed as well, the default is 0 (unlimited). 0 0 or higher
<jco_snc_partnername> SNC name of the communication partner server. For example: p:CN=SID, O=ACompany, C=EN "example" <your partner name>
<jco_snc_qop> SNC quality of protection; valid values: 1, 2, 3, 8 (default), 9 1 1 or higher
<jco_snc_myname> Own SNC name of the caller (optional). Overrides the default SNC name. For example: p: CN=MyUserID, O=ACompany, C=EN "example" <your SNC name>
<jco_snc_mode> Secure Network Communications (SNC) mode; 1: on, 0: off (default) 0 0 (off) or 1 (on)
<jco_snc_library> Full path to the library which provides the SNC service; default: value from JCo middleware property jco.middleware.snc_lib "example" <your library path>
<jco_snc_sso> Turn on/off the SSO mechanism for SNC. If set to 0 use alternative credentials like user/password instead. Valid values are 1 (yes, default) and 0 (no). 1 0 (no) or 1 (yes)


URL of the Adapter’s GTD tax engine hosted service.


<gtd adapter url>


Adapter username with API capabilities that has been created by Professional Services and assigned to the client. The Adapter uses this username for authentication with the GTD engine.


<gtd adapter username>


Adapter password with API capabilities that has been created by Professional Services and assigned to the client. The Adapter uses this password for authentication with the GTD engine. See Encrypting Passwords for adapter.ini for more information regarding password encryption.


<gtd adapter password>


Determines if the connection password is encrypted or not. See Encrypting Passwords for adapter.ini for more detail.


True if there is an encrypted password. False if there is no encrypted password.


Default business entity in SAP which will be used to determine the GTD Org Code for all GeoCode calls. Calculate and Force calls will determine entity from data passed at time of calculation.


<preferred default entity>