How to update SUT Product Codes to GTD Good/Service Codes in SAP

When migrating from SUT to GTD Cloud, you can use the Update SUT Product Codes to GTD GSC Codes tool to update your SUT Product Codes to their Good/Service Code counterparts in Global Tax Determination. 

This tool is able to identify the standard Product Codes and update them to standard Good/Service Codes. If you’re using custom Product Codes, contact your Professional Services team to figure out if a custom Good/Service Code needs to be created to replace it or if there’s a standard Good/Service Code already available.

Only use this tool after the integration with Global Tax Determination is complete and you’re no longer connected to SUT.


Using the tool to migrate Product Codes

  1. Download the Product Code and Good/Service Code file from the Sovos Portal. If the file is in XLSX format, convert it to CSV format.
    • This file will have the following naming convention: Products_Month_Year (e.g. Products_Aug_23).
  2. Go to the Cockpit (Transaction /n/SOVOSD/COCKPIT).
  3. Go to Cockpit - Main > Maintain SAP Records, then click the Execute button next to Update SUT Product Codes to GTD GSC Codes.

  4. Click the button with the two boxes next to the Directory field, then select the Product Code and Good/Service Code CSV file and click Open.

  5. Enter the Procedure associated with the Tax Codes. You can also click the button with the two boxes and select a Procedure, then click Copy.

  6. Select whether the columns in the CSV file are separated by commas or semicolons. If the file uses a different character from the one you select here to separate the columns, SAP won’t be able to read the file correctly.

  7. Click the Execute button.

  8. Depending on your settings, a message may appear asking for permission to access the CSV file. Select Allow this one time from the dropdown menu, then click OK.

  9. SAP will generate a report of the identified Tax Codes and which Good/Service Code, if any, they can be updated to.
    • If the Status column is green, a valid Product Code with a corresponding Good/Service Code was identified.
    • If the Status column is red, it’s not possible to update the Product Code, and a reason is provided in the Message column.

    There are a few reasons why a Product Code can't be updated to a Good/Service Code:

    • There is no corresponding Good/Service Code. When this is the case, the GTD Good/Service Code column in the CSV file will say N/A and the COMMENT column will say There is no existing match in GTD.

    • There are multiple corresponding Good/Service Codes. When this is the case, there will be multiple rows with the same SUT Product Code, and the MATCH TYPE column will say M.

    • The Product Code is blank.

  10. To update the Product Codes with a green status, click Update GSC Codes, then click Yes on the popup message.

How to update lines with red status by editing the CSV file

This method is more efficient if there are many codes you need to update.

  1. Open the CSV file and find any Product Codes that have N/A in the GTD Good/Service Code column. Replace N/A with the Good/Service Code that best fits the Product Code.

    Use the Good/Service Code and Entity Use Code User Guide available on the Sovos Portal to see what the differences are between the various Good/Service codes. Talk to your tax consultant if you are not sure which code is the best fit.

  2. Find any Product Codes that have multiple Good/Service Codes. Choose which Good/Service Code best fits the Product Code; keep the row with that Good/Service Code and delete all other rows for that Product Code.
  3. Save your changes.
  4. Repeat the steps in the Using the tool to migrate Product Codes section of this article to run the program again. The Product Codes you edited in the CSV file should now have a green status, and you will be able to update these Product Codes to Good/Service Codes.


How to update lines with red status manually in SAP

This method is more efficient if you only have a couple of codes you need to update. 

  1. Go to Transaction FTXP.
  2. Enter the country of the procedure you need to update, then click Continue.

  3. Enter the Tax Code of the Product Code you need to update, then press Enter on your keyboard.

  4. Make sure you're editing the correct Tax Code and Procedure, then click Properties.

  5. In Properties, enter the Good/Service Code in the Product code field, click Continue, and save the changes.