Parent and child organizations

If your company has more than one organization, the organizational hierarchy will be reflected in Global Tax Determination in the form of parent and child organizations.

The parent organization is at the top of the hierarchy and the child organizations are arranged below it. There can only be one parent organization.

Linked relationship

If a child is linked to its parent, the child’s tax rules will always be identical to the parent’s tax rules. The tax rules for a linked child can be changed only by changing the tax rules of its parent; you can't change tax rules for an individual child organization.

If you unlink a child organization from its parent, the child will have no tax rules.

Copied relationship

You can copy a parent organization’s tax rules to a child organization so that the child organization can have the same rules as the parent in specific areas. In this case, any future changes to the parent’s tax rules won’t be applied to the child automatically, but they can be copied to the child at any time.

When you copy tax rules from the parent to the child organization, all of the parent organization's information is copied to the child for that area. This erases any existing rules or settings that the child has.