Request calls (NetSuite SuiteTax to Global Tax Determination)
NetSuite screen and field | NetSuite API field | Global Tax Determination field | Comments |
NetSuite Screen: Customer/Vendor NetSuite Field: Internal ID |
entity_Id | N/A | Internal ID is unique to each customer within an account. |
NetSuite Screen: Customer/Vendor NetSuite Field: Customer Name/ Vendor Name |
customerName vendorName | custVendCd | |
NetSuite Screen: Customer/Vendor NetSuite Field: Default Tax Reg |
taxRegistrationNum ber | custVendRegNms | |
N/A | recordType | txCalcTp | Determined by the transaction type the call is initiated from, e.g. sales order/invoice |
trnTp |
1 = AR transaction 2 = AP transaction |
NetSuite Screen: Any NetSuite transaction screen supported by the Adapter NetSuite Field: Subsidiary |
taxRegistrationId | txIdNum | Internal ID for nexus for a taxable transaction. |
NetSuite Screen: Any NetSuite transaction screen supported by the Adapter >Accounting NetSuite Field: Currency |
currencyId | currn | ISO Code |
Bill From Address (See Addresses section) | addr1 | bFstNameNum | |
city | bFCity | ||
state | bFStateProv | ||
country | bFCountry | ||
zipCode | bFPstlCd | ||
Bill To Address (See Addresses section) | addr1 | bTstNameNum | |
city | bTCity | ||
state | bTStateProv | ||
country | bTCountry | ||
zipCode | bTPstlCd | ||
Ship From Address (See Addresses section) | addr1 | lORstNameNum lOAstNameNum sFstNameNum | |
city | lORCitylOACitysFCity | ||
state | lORStateProv lOAStateProv sFStateProv | ||
country | lORCountry lOACountry sFCountry | ||
zipCode | lORPstlCd lOAPstCd sFPstlCd | ||
N/A | calculationType | txCalcTp | 0 for ORGANIZATIONAL DEFAULT1 for REGULAR2 for BACK TAX CALCULATION4 for VENDING BACK TAX CALCULATIONIF no calculation type is sent, then REGULAR will be set as the default value. |
Ship To Address (See Addresses section) | addr1 | lOUstNameNu mlOSPstNameN umsTstNameNum | |
city | lOUCity lOSPCity sTCity | ||
state | lOUStatePro vlOSPStatePr ovsTStateProv | ||
country | lOUCountry lOSPCountry sTCountry | ||
zipCode | lOUPstlCd lOSPPstlCd sTPstlCd | ||
NetSuite Field: Date | transactionDate
DocDt | Date is broken down into the following elements:
NetSuite Screen: Any NetSuite transaction screen supported by the Adapter > Items Note: Derived from the row number of the item. |
lineNumber | lnItmNum | |
NetSuite Screen: Any NetSuite transaction screen supported by the Adapter > Shipping NetSuite Field: Shipping Cost |
itemType-itemName | goodSrvCd | When a shipping cost is entered, a new line item with an item type of shipping is created that triggers the use of a goodSrvCd to utilize applicable shipping taxes. When shipping or handling line items are passed on to GTD, the line types are specified as follows:
NetSuite Screen: Item NetSuite Field: Internal ID |
itemID | goodSrvCd | Internal ID is unique to each item within an account. |
NetSuite Screen: Any NetSuite transaction screen supported by the Adapter > Items NetSuite Field: Amount |
amount | grossAmt | |
NetSuite Screen: Any NetSuite transaction screen supported by the Adapter > Items NetSuite Field: Quantity |
quantity | qnty | |
N/A Determined by the transaction type initiating the call. |
N/A | debCredIndr | 1=Amount is positive (e.g. invoice) 2=Amount is negative (e.g. credit memo) |
NetSuite Screen: Sales Invoice NetSuite Field: Internal ID |
transactionDocNam e | TrnDocNum | |
NetSuite Screen: Sales Invoice NetSuite Field: Internal ID |
<TransactionType> +_+transactionId | TrnId | These fields in combination are used to determine if a transaction should be recorded in GTD. For more information on this process, refer to the Global Tax Determination REST API Developer’s Guide received with your GTD user documentation set. |
NetSuite Screen: Header | “OVER_”+accountNa me | TrnSrc | |
NetSuite Screen: Discount NetSuite Field: Display Name/Code |
displayname | discnts | These fields are mapped as a paired value in GTD. The discnts field combines the integer value of the displayname and the calculated amount of the discountrate. For example:“5”:10.00 |
NetSuite Screen: Discount NetSuite Field: Rate |
discountrate |
Response calls (Global Tax Determination to NetSuite SuiteTax)
NetSuite UI field | NetSuite API field | Global Tax Determination field | Comments |
NetSuite Screen: Any NetSuite transaction screen supported by the Adapter > Summary NetSuite Field: <Tax Type>: |
taxAmount | txAmt | |
NetSuite Screen: Summary NetSuite Field: <Tax Type>: |
taxType | N/A |
NetSuite field populated during the Adapter installation(e.g. Sales Tax). Note: taxAmounts for all taxCodes of a single taxType are displayed as a new line in the Summary box. |
NetSuite Screen: Summary
taxCode | N/A | NetSuite field populated during Adapter installation (i.e. City 1). Note: taxAmounts for all taxCodes of a single taxType are displayed as a new line in the Summary box. |
NetSuite Screen: Any NetSuite transaction screen supported by the Adapter > Tax Details NetSuite Field: Tax Amount |
amount | txAmt | |
NetSuite Screen: Any NetSuite transaction screen supported by the Adapter > Tax Details NetSuite Field: Tax Type |
taxType | N/A | NetSuite field populated during the Adapter installation (i.e. sales tax) |
NetSuite Screen: Any NetSuite transaction screen supported by the Adapter > Tax Details NetSuite Field: Tax Code |
taxCode | N/A | NetSuite field populated during the Adapter installation (i.e. City 1) |
NetSuite Screen: Summary NetSuite Field: Tax Basis |
taxBasis | txableAmt | |
NetSuite Screen: Summary NetSuite Field: Tax Rate |
taxRate | txRate (*100) | The tax rate is multiplied by 100 to be displayed on the screen as a percentage. |
NetSuite Screen: Summary NetSuite Field: Details |
taxCalculation Detail | trnMsg | Applicable only if a Transaction Document Message (TDM) is returned from GTD. Note: If multiple are returned from GTD, they are concatenated with a "|" separating them. |
txName-OR-Concatenation ofgetTxJurUIDStat ePrvISO-AND-getTxJurUIDCity CntyDist | Choice is dependent on thegetTxJurUIDJurTpapplicable only if a Transaction Document Message (TDM) is not returned from GTD. Note: txName is used for all jurisdiction types except for District. |
Address | Order of precedence for sourcing |
Bill From | Main address for Subsidiary |
Bill To |
1. Billing > Bill To field on the transaction 2. Address > Default Billing address for Customer 3. Main address for Customer |
Ship From |
1. Main address for Location property on transaction 2. Address > Shipping Address for Subsidiary |
Ship To |
1. Shipping > Ship To address on transaction 2. Address > Default Billing address for Customer 3. Main address for Customer |
Location of Order Recording (LOR) | Mapped to Ship From Address |
Location of Order Acceptance (LOA) | Mapped to Ship From Address |
Location of Service Provided (LOSP) | Mapped to Ship-To Address |
Location of Use (LOU) | Mapped to Ship-To Address |