Field mappings (NetSuite SuiteTax / Global Tax Determination)

Request calls (NetSuite SuiteTax to Global Tax Determination)

NetSuite screen and field NetSuite API field Global Tax Determination field Comments
NetSuite Screen: Customer/Vendor
NetSuite Field: Internal ID
entity_Id N/A Internal ID is unique to each customer within an account.
NetSuite Screen: Customer/Vendor
NetSuite Field: Customer Name/ Vendor Name
customerName vendorName custVendCd  
NetSuite Screen: Customer/Vendor
NetSuite Field: Default Tax Reg
taxRegistrationNum ber custVendRegNms  
N/A recordType txCalcTp Determined by the transaction type the call is initiated from, e.g. sales order/invoice

1 = AR transaction

2 = AP transaction

NetSuite Screen: Any NetSuite transaction screen supported by the Adapter
NetSuite Field: Subsidiary
taxRegistrationId txIdNum Internal ID for nexus for a taxable transaction.
NetSuite Screen: Any NetSuite transaction screen supported by the Adapter >Accounting
NetSuite Field: Currency
currencyId currn ISO Code
Bill From Address (See Addresses section) addr1 bFstNameNum  
city bFCity  
state bFStateProv  
country bFCountry  
zipCode bFPstlCd  
Bill To Address (See Addresses section) addr1 bTstNameNum  
city bTCity  
state bTStateProv  
country bTCountry  
zipCode bTPstlCd  
Ship From Address (See Addresses section) addr1 lORstNameNum lOAstNameNum sFstNameNum  
city lORCitylOACitysFCity  
state lORStateProv lOAStateProv sFStateProv  
country lORCountry lOACountry sFCountry  
zipCode lORPstlCd lOAPstCd sFPstlCd  
N/A calculationType txCalcTp 0 for ORGANIZATIONAL DEFAULT1 for REGULAR2 for BACK TAX CALCULATION4 for VENDING BACK TAX CALCULATIONIF no calculation type is sent, then REGULAR will be set as the default value.
Ship To Address (See Addresses section) addr1 lOUstNameNu mlOSPstNameN umsTstNameNum  
city lOUCity lOSPCity sTCity  
state lOUStatePro vlOSPStatePr ovsTStateProv  
country lOUCountry lOSPCountry sTCountry  
zipCode lOUPstlCd lOSPPstlCd sTPstlCd  
NetSuite Field: Date transactionDate
  • day
  • month
  • year
DocDt Date is broken down into the following elements:
  • day
  • month
  • year
NetSuite Screen: Any NetSuite transaction screen supported by the Adapter > Items

Note: Derived from the row number of the item.
lineNumber lnItmNum  
NetSuite Screen: Any NetSuite transaction screen supported by the Adapter > Shipping
NetSuite Field: Shipping Cost
itemType-itemName goodSrvCd When a shipping cost is entered, a new line item with an item type of shipping is created that triggers the use of a goodSrvCd to utilize applicable shipping taxes.
When shipping or handling line items are passed on to GTD, the line types are specified as follows:
  • shipping-itemName
  • handling-itemName
NetSuite Screen: Item
NetSuite Field: Internal ID
itemID goodSrvCd Internal ID is unique to each item within an account.
NetSuite Screen: Any NetSuite transaction screen supported by the Adapter > Items
NetSuite Field: Amount
amount grossAmt  
NetSuite Screen: Any NetSuite transaction screen supported by the Adapter > Items
NetSuite Field: Quantity
quantity qnty  


Determined by the transaction type initiating the call.

N/A debCredIndr 1=Amount is positive (e.g. invoice) 2=Amount is negative (e.g. credit memo)
NetSuite Screen: Sales Invoice
NetSuite Field: Internal ID
transactionDocNam e TrnDocNum  
NetSuite Screen: Sales Invoice
NetSuite Field: Internal ID
<TransactionType> +_+transactionId TrnId These fields in combination are used to determine if a transaction should be recorded in GTD. For more information on this process, refer to the Global Tax Determination REST API Developer’s Guide received with your GTD user documentation set.
NetSuite Screen: Header “OVER_”+accountNa me TrnSrc
NetSuite Screen: Discount
NetSuite Field: Display Name/Code
displayname discnts These fields are mapped as a paired value in GTD. The discnts field combines the integer value of the displayname and the calculated amount of the discountrate. For example:“5”:10.00
NetSuite Screen: Discount
NetSuite Field: Rate



Response calls (Global Tax Determination to NetSuite SuiteTax)                                

NetSuite UI field NetSuite API field Global Tax Determination field Comments
NetSuite Screen: Any NetSuite transaction screen supported by the Adapter > Summary
NetSuite Field: <Tax Type>:
taxAmount txAmt  
NetSuite Screen: Summary
NetSuite Field: <Tax Type>:
taxType N/A

NetSuite field populated during the Adapter installation(e.g. Sales Tax). Note: taxAmounts for all taxCodes of a single taxType are displayed as a new line in the Summary box.

NetSuite Screen: Summary

Note: Not visible on screen.

taxCode N/A NetSuite field populated during Adapter installation (i.e. City 1). Note: taxAmounts for all taxCodes of a single taxType are displayed as a new line in the Summary box.
NetSuite Screen: Any NetSuite transaction screen supported by the Adapter > Tax Details
NetSuite Field: Tax Amount
amount txAmt  
NetSuite Screen: Any NetSuite transaction screen supported by the Adapter > Tax Details
NetSuite Field: Tax Type
taxType N/A NetSuite field populated during the Adapter installation (i.e. sales tax)
NetSuite Screen: Any NetSuite transaction screen supported by the Adapter > Tax Details
NetSuite Field: Tax Code
taxCode N/A NetSuite field populated during the Adapter installation (i.e. City 1)
NetSuite Screen: Summary
NetSuite Field: Tax Basis
taxBasis txableAmt  
NetSuite Screen: Summary
NetSuite Field: Tax Rate
taxRate txRate (*100) The tax rate is multiplied by 100 to be displayed on the screen as a percentage.
NetSuite Screen: Summary
NetSuite Field: Details
taxCalculation Detail trnMsg Applicable only if a Transaction Document Message (TDM) is returned from GTD. Note: If multiple are returned from GTD, they are concatenated with a "|" separating them.
txName-OR-Concatenation ofgetTxJurUIDStat ePrvISO-AND-getTxJurUIDCity CntyDist Choice is dependent on thegetTxJurUIDJurTpapplicable only if a Transaction Document Message (TDM) is not returned from GTD. Note: txName is used for all jurisdiction types except for District.




Address Order of precedence for sourcing
Bill From Main address for Subsidiary
Bill To

1. Billing > Bill To field on the transaction

2. Address > Default Billing address for Customer

3. Main address for Customer

Ship From

1. Main address for Location property on transaction

2. Address > Shipping Address for Subsidiary

Ship To

1. Shipping > Ship To address on transaction

2. Address > Default Billing address for Customer

3. Main address for Customer

Location of Order Recording (LOR) Mapped to Ship From Address
Location of Order Acceptance (LOA) Mapped to Ship From Address
Location of Service Provided (LOSP) Mapped to Ship-To Address
Location of Use (LOU) Mapped to Ship-To Address