Manage your returns

Once your tax data has been shared with Sovos, either automatically from Global Tax Determination or by uploading it through Batch Determination, you can track and manage your returns in Sovos Filing and file them once you've reviewed the data.


Returns dashboard

The default view in Sovos Filing is the Returns dashboard. It shows high-level information on the returns that will be filed in a given filing period:

  • Due: The date before which you have to file your taxes. Sovos automatically assigns the due date based on the taxing authority, but you can choose to override this date in your Filing Calendar.
  • Workflow: Read more about the workflow stages in this article.
  • Legal Entity: The individual or organization that is required by the taxing authority to file and pay returns.
  • State Reg ID: Your state tax ID number. You need a state tax ID number where your business pays state taxes.
  • State: The state where the return is due.
  • Return: The name of the return.
  • Filing Type: The format the tax authorities require the return to be filed in.
  • Filing Frequency: The frequency with which the return is required to be filed. You can select one of the common filing frequencies (monthly, quarterly, annually, and semi-annually), or you can create your own custom frequency.
  • Amount Due: The amount due to the taxing authority.
  • Assignee: The person in your organization who has been assigned to the workflow stage.

You can use the < > arrows or the Calendar icon to select the date range you want to view on the dashboard.

Click the Filters button to select which fields you want to appear on the dashboard.


You can show or hide certain columns by clicking the Edit Columns button and then clicking the Hide/Unhide icons. You can also rearrange the columns by dragging and dropping them in the order you want them.



You can check if a return is on track by looking at the color of the due date.

Color Text label Description
Blue On track or Submitted before the due date  There are at least 2 days remaining before the set due date for the current workflow stage; the return is not yet in danger of being delayed.
Orange At risk  The current workflow stage is within 2 days of its due date but is not yet past it.
Red Late or Submitted after the due date The current workflow stage is past the due date, or the return was submitted after the filing due date.


Return details

Click on a return on the Returns dashboard to open it. You can use the tabs to see different details about the return.



In the Overview tab, you can see the total amounts (including prepayments) the current workflow stage, and the return history.

Some taxing jurisdictions, such as California and New Jersey, require you to file monthly remittance returns before filing the aggregated quarterly return. These monthly returns are listed in the Related Quarterly Filing Return section of the quarterly return.

Return Data

In the Return Data tab, you can see all transactions in the return. You can edit transactions before the return enters the File and Pay workflow stage.

Data On Hold

In the Data On Hold tab, you can see all the transactions placed on hold for a future filing period.


The Worksheet tab shows the same information as the return PDF itself, but most fields are editable.